Straite to Hale Productions is the creation of Mark Straite and Ron Hale and was formed from the combined efforts of two friends who share a passion for creating immersive experiences for their guests. What began as friends building props together for their individual endeavors quickly evolved into a collaborative haunt event. Adding custom-made pneumatic, servo, animatronic and projection effects to the haunt helped it grow into a community attraction. After hearing from thousands of guests about their love for our effects, we decided to start offering designs professionally. We have expanded into the areas of prop design and production assistance for other haunts, as well as Christmas layouts, animatronic animals and escape rooms in several locations and states. We bring creativity to the “haunt” world and can offer a high-quality theme park and movie-like feel.
Straite to Hale Productions operates out of Southern California but has clients from Portland to Memphis. Always available for events and installations anywhere!
Contact Straite to Hale Productions for more info.